MSupport International BV
Over 25 years of experience in audio systems and headphones
MSupport International BV.
Market leader in patient headsets
Within the Dutch and German market, MSupport is an established supplier of patient headsets for watching TV and listening to music during hospitalization. Headphones produced by MSupport can be found in almost every hospital in the Netherlands.
Background in audio systems
MSupport has always been active in the world of audio systems for sightseeing tours and was even involved in the development of the first-ever multilingual audio system for in a sightseeing bus.
Quality, sustainable and fair
Our mission has always been to deliver a fair product for a good price. This means that we set strict requirements for the factories we work with. For example, all employees must receive a fair wage and we do not accept workers under the age of 16.
We also ensure that all our products comply with the strict EU regulations and test our products in independent test centers.
Sustainability is also an important topic for us. We try to transport as efficiently as possible and strive for minimal but necessary packaging.
Service is our top priority. It may be a cliché, but we are only satisfied when the customer is happy.

Partnership with Erasmus MC
Erasmus MC Foundation - Music as Medicine
Within Erasmus MC there is a MaM (Music as Medicine) group that has been successfully researching the influence of music on the well-being of a patient for some time now. Five problem areas in patients have been identified where music can have a positive influence. This concerns: sleep; pain; fear; stress and delirium. The MaM group has also become the driving force behind a directive for the use of music before, during and after surgery.
MSupport and Erasmus MC
MSupport and the MaM group have come into contact with each other and have entered into a collaboration whereby MSupport supports the practical implementation of the directive, by developing and marketing a package that makes it possible to “administer” music to the patient .
A complete system that provides well-being music for five problem areas: Music4five .

Henk Deuschle
With expertise in technology, commerce and medical biology, we have a fantastic team that is extremely suitable to help
successfully implement Music as Medicine in your healthcare facility.
Babs is our passionate sales manager
and is always ready to speak to you.

Babs Mertens
Sales Manager